Indian companies nurture better leaders
November 22, 2011

If you work for Hindustan Lever, Aditya Birla, ICICI Bank, Wipro or Bharti Airtel in India, consider yourself lucky!  In a recent link received from a friend, listing the worlds Top 25 companiess for leaders, five Indian companies made the prestigious cut, as against one Chinese company – Shenzen based – China Vanke. The link sent from my Chinese friend had an apt subject line attached “this is what Chinese companies need to learn from Indian companies!” So true.

While China might have its hard power ripping through the silos of corporate boardrooms, its India’s soft power that is also making its mark internationally. Perceived as a land of magical saints and holy spirits no more, the South Asian country is revered for its IT professionals, engineers and prophets of profit.

Indians pride themselves in mentoring the young – a modern take of the guru-students relationship, companies invest in training, tutoring and tailoring young minds to suit the corporate culture for maximum benefit in India. It is this investment in young minds that sees so many Indian companies make it to the list of most desirable companies to work with in terms to employability. As compared to Chinese companies which adhere more to the Confucian adage, – if it’s a tried and tested method copy it, or a more dictatorial top-down approach Indian companies with their flexibility faire better. Meanwhile flexibility, like democracy is not always good and can hamper growth, it makes for a more hospitable environment.

 The study was carried out by Aon Hewitt, Fortune Magazine and The RBL Group. The study selected and ranked the top 25 companies for leadership by an expert panel of independent judges based on a range of criteria, including strength of leadership practices and culture, examples of leader development on a global scale, alignment of business and leadership strategy, business performance and company reputation.

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