If you are a regular visitor or a long-term resident in India, you are always bound to come across some kind of celebrations in between the normal chaos & the fast paced life. Most of the times it’s either a marriage or a festival. Lighting, bright Colorful clothing, various flowers, very often dancing symbolize these festivals spread across different religion & communities of India. If you are wondering what’s going on with the colorful lights, loudly played music & dance everywhere these days, well! We are going through the NavRatri (Nava-9 & Ratri-Nights) Festival right now. This is a festival that goes for nine nights. In a highly male dominated Indian society where even Gods have a bigger share of festivals on their side, NavRatri is a rare extravaganza of Goddess. NIKE AIR MAX 2017 HEREN DAME LOVERS ZWART WIT During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Shakti(power) / Devi (Goddess) are worshiped. It is the most enjoyable time of the year for Indian ladies because it is the festival especially for their respected Goddess. It represents the importance of women’ s power and they should gain their equality in the society as well. A lot of ladies wear shining traditional dress and dance overnight. Most of times in life, they are only looked as a supporting role, but during NavRatri, they finally play as a leading character! 如果你经常往来于印度或是长期定居于此,那么随时随地都能撞见欢庆的人流对已习惯快节奏生活的你而言仍充满好奇,也会放慢脚步一探究竟。一年里大多数的时间印度人好像都在庆祝,而狂欢的缘由无非是婚礼或是节日。灯火通明,绚丽服饰,花团锦簇,当然还有不可或缺的舞蹈,都成了横跨印度不同省邦及宗教信徒欢度节日的象征。 要是这几天你还在纳闷为什么到处张灯结彩,歌舞升平,哈哈,那是因为我们能歌善舞的印度朋友们又在庆祝了-NavRatri (Nava-9 & Ratri-夜)。这次可是要接连狂欢9个晚上!在当今还是男权至上的印度社会,就算是他们供奉的神灵也已男性为主,九夜节却是其中少有的专属于女神们的节日,因此也称之为“圣母节”。在这十天九夜里,每天人们都会参加某位女神的礼拜,歌颂她的母性力量并祈求她的保佑。 Nike Air Max 90 CamouflagDame 这段时间是一年中普通印度劳动妇女最为享受的一段时光。摆脱繁重的家务,在工作一天后可以穿上她们的节日盛装为她们所敬重的女神们载歌载舞直至通宵达旦。也许一生中大部分时间她们只是扮演着配角,可是这九夜她们确是真正的主角。这个节日不仅象征着女性力量和杰出贡献,多少也是她们在心灵上寻求女权平等的一种慰籍。 Interesting thing is this festival also corresponds to a nine-day Taoist celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar, which is observed primarily by the ethnic Chinese of Min Nan linguistic group in Southeast Asian countries like Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and also the Riau Islands called the Nine Emperor Gods Festival. Navratri is an important major festival and is celebrated all over India; however, it is most famous in the western state of Gujrat & Eastern state of West Bengal, although celebrations are done differently in these both states. Nike Air Presto Schoenen Dame Goedkoop In Gujarat it’s more of the dance forms of garba & dandiya (dancing with 2 sticks as prop ) while in Bengal is popularly the Durga Puja decorations that is the Highlight. When Mr Xi was invited by Mr Modi to visit his hometown and celebrate his birthday together in Gujarat during the recent trip to India, garba & dandiya was performed by a group of festival dressed ladies at the event. Durga Puja festival marks the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil buffalo demon Mahishasura. Thus, Durga Puja festival epitomizes the victory of Good over Evil. Nike Roshe Run Goedkoop If you are in India & aware of any dandiya event close to your place, do not hesitate to visit it and give a shot to the dance. It’s worth every penny if it’s a paid event. The costumes are colorful & lavish. Have a great Navratri & don’t forget to share your experience & pictures with Inchin Closer. After nine sleepless nights, the tenth day is commonly referred to as Vijayadashami or “Dussehra” (also spelled Dasara). We’ll talk about it later.有趣的是这个节日和我们中国的某个宗教节日在时间上又不谋而合-就是相传始于道教每年农历九月初一至初九也要庆祝九天的“九皇爷诞”节-目前主要流行于中国南方沿海省份以及深受中国闽南文化影响的东南亚国家像是缅甸,新加坡,马来西亚,泰国以及廖内群岛。 言归正传,九夜节是印度全国范围内普遍庆祝的重要节日。然而,还是以西部的古吉拉特邦和东部的西孟加拉邦的庆祝方式最为著名。在古吉拉特邦,人们还是主要用一种叫garba & dandiya(拿双棍互击) 的舞蹈形式;而在西孟加拉邦,杜迦(Durga)女神的祈福仪式及其节日装扮却是亮点,备受关注。 Nike Free 5.0 V4 Goedkoop 这次习大大的印度之旅,也受邀访问了莫迪总理的故乡古吉拉特邦并于其共庆生日,一群身着华丽民族服装的印度妇女也为他表演了garba & dandiya 来表达她们的喜悦和对他的热烈欢迎。杜迦(Durga)祈福节是为歌颂她的功德-杀死了牛魔王玛希哈(Mahisha)拯救了地球。 Nike Air Max 1 Dames 也就象征和推崇神总能降魔的美好寓意。 Dandiya 在印度很多地方流行已久,如果你现在就在印度而住家附近就有人们在跳这个舞蹈,不要犹豫一定要加入他们一试你的舞姿。就算付费也值回票价!(一般免费入场,小区内都会组织)跳这舞很多人还会专门穿上绚丽多姿的民族服装。尽情享受九夜节的欢乐气氛,也别忘了和中印咫尺分享你的体验! 在度过了9个愉快的不眠夜后,也就到了节日的最后一天第十天Vijayadashami or “Dussehra” (也叫做Dasara)。
Nine Nights Festival — dance and pray!狂欢热舞,诚心祈福的九夜节!
April 5, 2014
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