

I just came back from a trip to China (Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong). I totally believe that learning the classes at Inchin Closer helps. I was able to understand many words and numbers. My take is in a years time, if we keep plodding through the materials, we should be able to hold on our own.  – Shivalik Prasad, Managing Director, Map my India

Thank you for teaching us! Learning Mandarin was great fun and we are sure it will be of help to us when we go to China. – NSS Hillspring International; Mumbai

We had a wonderful experience with Inchin Closer – our teachers and students had a three day introduction to Mandarin. We were exposed to the language and the culture. The sessions were planned systematically and enough effort was made to ensure that each person participated. The teacher took a deep personal inerest in the quality of delivery, she was open to feedback and wanted the sessions to be fun and informative yet meaningful. At the end of three days it was empowering to have a role play and communicate effectively. – Mona Seervai – Principal Bombay International School

Inchin Closer’s Classes were one of the most fun classes I have ever taken. The eye for detail, sense for perfection, interactive set-up, and classroom activities all added to making Mandarin fun and easy to learn. – Rhea Bhumgara; Inchin Closer’s Spring 2011 Course @ St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

I joined Inchin Closer’s Mandarin classes for business reasons, and have to say I enjoyed the learning experience. Learning Mandarin phonetics through hindi made the language easier to pick up. The teacher was excellent and the syllabus was just perfect for a beginners course. I felt like I was back in school! – Saurabh Motani, businessman @ Inchin Closer’s Spring 2011 Course

 I enjoyed conversing with the local Mandarin teacher from China, the worksheets provided at the end of every unit also worked to throughly seal in all the new words and grammar we had learnt. Fun classroom activites, role plays and games made learning Mandarin so much fun! – Dimple Desai, Inchin Closer’s Spring 2012 Course @ St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

Feedback form

“我刚从中国旅行回来(北京,广州,深圳和香港)。我完全相信在中印咫尺学习的课程给予了我很大的帮助。我能够理解很多的单词和数字。在我看来,如果我们坚持对学习材料的认真阅读,在几年时间里我们就可以全部掌握。”- Shivalik Prasad, Map my India-董事总经理。

“谢谢你教我们!学习普通话非常有趣。我们肯定当我们去中国时它将帮到我们很多。” – NSS Hillspring国际; 孟买。


“我们和中印咫尺有过美妙的合作经历-为我们的老师和学生提供了为期三天的普通话介绍。使我们接触到了这种语言和她的文化。所有的课程都经过系统的安排并付出足够的努力来确保每个人都参与到其中。老师自身非常注重教学质量,她以开明的态度接受反馈意见并期望所有的课程都是有趣,丰富和充满意义的。三天后,我们都能做到角色扮演并且有效的沟通。” 。 – Mona Seervai – 孟买国际学校校长。


“中印咫尺的课程是我曾上过最有趣的课之一。注重细节,追求完美,互动安排,和课堂活动都使学习普通话变得既有趣又简单。” – Rhea Bhumgara; 中印咫尺2011年春季班@圣安东尼学院,孟买。

“出于商务需要,我加入了中印咫尺的普通话学习课程,对我而言,那是一个非常令人享受的学习经历。过程中用印度语教授中文让学习也变得更加容易。老师很优秀,教程也非常适合初学者。我觉得自己又回到了学校!”- Saurabh Motani, 商务人士;中印咫尺2011年春季班。

“我喜欢和本地来自中国的老师进行交流,而且每堂课后为我们所提供的学习小结能帮助我们完全地掌握新学到的单词和语法。有趣的课堂活动,角色扮演以及各种游戏使学习普通话变得那么有趣!” – Dimple Desai, 中印咫尺2012年春季班@圣安东尼学院,孟买。


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