Rebalancing its traded basket of goods, one of the five major sectors that India hopes to boost in China is pharmaceuticals. Rich in research and development, India realises that this is a high growth area especially with China’s nation-wide healthcare reform...
A haven for investment guru’s, trade junkies and business busybodies, China will soon start controlling and tracking who washes up on their shores. The country is soon to introduce its first ever immigration laws in an effort to control the increasing number of...
Defending the Great Firewall of China on the basis of national security, Beijing released a white paper issued by the Information Office of the State Council on the current and future role of the internet as envisioned by its policy makers. While encouraging other...
China and India are once again lobbying together for a larger say in formulating policies at the World Trade Organisation. This time round the Asian emerging economies plan to raise their voice against tough intellectual property regimes such as the Trade-Related...
In order to reduce their carbon footprint and go green in the largest automobile market in the world, China launched a pilot programme to wean consumers away from fossil-fuelled vehicles by offering substantial purchase subsidies for green cars and financing for the...
With the beginning of the harvest in kharif or the winter crop season, India yesterday re-allowed the export of all varieties of raw cotton and cotton waste but said that henceforth, exporters will have to apply for a license (Click here to read the government of...