Learning to count in Mandarin is one of the most essential skills new students want to learn when they sign up for Inchin Closers Mandarin Language classes. Being able to bargain for the right price or surreptitiously trying to understand what two Chinese businessmen...
The international certification in Mandarin consists of two separate exams, the HSK short for Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi ( 汉语水平考试 ), which means “Mandarin Level Exam” and the HSKK or the Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi ( 汉语水平口语考试 ), which means “Mandarin...
Inchin Closer is starting Offline, In Person classes in Bandra West starting on Sunday June 11th. The classes will be held once a week, on Sunday’s from 11-1pm. Inchin Closers offline, physical classes will be conducted in addition to our already existing online...
Students interested in learning Mandarin often ask whether Mandarin or English the most spoken language in the world? Inchin Closer gives you the statistics behind these queries to lay this debate to rest. English is the most spoken language if you count both native...
Indians soft culture has permeated across the lofty Himalayas, buoyed by the winds of the Bay of Begal and carried by waves of Buddhists, traders and explorers to China. With culture and habits, Indian language travelled through the bamboo curtain with many Indian...
Inchin Closer lists four ways you can learn Mandarin and get a well paying job from the comfort of your home, with flexible timings. Over 20 million Indian women left their jobs over the last five years. What’s worse is the trend has since exacerbated with the...