India’s greatest resignation ever!
May 27, 2022
The greatest resignation India has ever seen
Inchin Closer lists four ways you can learn Mandarin and get a well paying job from the comfort of your home, with flexible timings.

Over 20 million Indian women left their jobs over the last five years. What’s worse is the trend has since exacerbated with the participation at work for women dipping from ~36 percent in 2021 to a little over 33 percent in 2022, according to statistica.

While the male population in the workplace also reduced mostly due to covid and automation of industries, it ballooned India’s total unemployment to 7.83 percent in April 2022 from 7.60 percent in March, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) data.

With crushing inflation rates, steamingly high prices of oil and food, households in India are barely able to make ends meet. However, if Indian women were given the opportunity, education, security and guidance, they could be the force that helps mother India from raising above her doldrums and racing towards a superpower status. China in comparison has a staggeringly high number of educated women, many of whom are financially independent and safe in their workplace. Women made up 43.7 percent of China’s total labor force in 2019 while Indian women made up 25% of the workforce that year, in comparison.

To start with, there’s a lot that Indian women can do even from the comforts of their own homes, with flexible timings amongst multitasking child rearing and household tasks. It’s essential that women in India are empowered to earn their own money, are encouraged to be financially literate and independent. Learning a new language, picking up a new skill are ways in which women can also control their finances. Inchin Closer lists six jobs women can do from home and still earn enough to support herself.


Chinese companies in India as well as Indian companies doing business with China require translators to get their point across. From translation of a ppt to present in the clients language to translating documents from Mandarin to English and Vice versa, as well as translating marketing material once the deal is sealed, translating the written word becomes an important step any businesses establishment in a new country. Translators can usually work from the comfort of their homes, with flexible timings and all they require is access to a laptop and internet connection. The pay is high especially since there are few Mandarin language experts in India.


Interpretation is deal brokering between two companies in person. An interpreter is usually proficient in Mandarin and is able to help a government or company delegation get their point across in a meeting. An interpreter becomes very important especially when the two sides need to have a meeting but do not speak the same language. Most Indian businessmen going to China require a local translator who can help them both broker a deal with a supplier as well as navigate the streets of kachao. Similarly, they require assistance in assembling a machine imported from China or fixing one that they bought. Interpreters are the integral link that binds Chinese and Indian businesses. The rise in global supply chains has made interpretation between India and China a very important skill set to have. Since it requires being able to speak the language fluently and effectively interpreters are very well paid.


Once you have mastered the language, passing on your skill set to a novice is relatively easy. Structured curriculum, patience and ease of communication making teaching Mandarin from home a very lucrative and easy option. Yes you will need to create a differentiating factor to stand out from the crowd if you do want to start your own company, but its always easier to join an existing Mandarin language institute like Inchin Closer where you can work on a part time basis and take on teaching on a flexible schedule or one that suits your busy schedule. Additionally teaching is also a highly rewarding business as you are empowering others and helping them to rise up.

Voice over / dubbing / subtitles

The entertainment industry is huge! Many Chinese films are getting dubbed and require subtitles in English or Hindi to reach a larger audience as are Indian bollywood movies being dubbed and subtitled in Mandarin and Cantonese. OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime are hungry for new content, audiences love foreign films and soft power between China and India does very well especially because of our cultural closeness. Inchin Closer has done voice overs for several Bollywood films going to China as well as advertisements that are shown on local Tv channels. Voice overs, subtitled and dubbing are easy work, pay well and can be completed within a day or two. However, in order to get such a job, you need to be able to pronounce Mandarin flawlessly and sound authentic and local.


Any company that does business across the region requires research before it starts a new business or a division. With funds flush in India, many entrepreneurs, family owned business and companies are looking to expand their portfolio of businesses. But before they enter a new stream, they need someone to research the sector for them, understand its potential and write a report on whether it would be an advisable step?

Sales and Marketing

Once a business has entered China or a Chinese business in India, setting up sales channels becomes a crucial cog in operations. Professionals who are adept at Mandarin are required to build and grow sales channels with local partners. Relationships need to be built and nurtured, to expand markets and get the best deals. Similarly, understanding China’s language and culture will also help you market a brand or product. Localisation is a key element in being able to engage with and grow a brand in a new country. Both these jobs can be done from home with regular reporting to the company and are highly remunerative.

Book A Course Today!

Learn Chinese language with professional, Hanban qualified Native Chinese teachers. Endorsed by the People’s Republic of China Consulate, Mumbai; with more than 10 years experience, Inchin Closer’s certificate Mandarin courses help you get from basic Chinese HSK 1 levels to an Advanced HSK 6 level in only a few years.

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