Pursuing Mandarin at higher levels
If you’re looking at pursuing Mandarin language as a career, want to join the Indian Foreign Services or would like to research more into India’s largest neighbour, here are a few options beyond the regular HSK courses. For those that are more serious about learning...
Learn to count in Mandarin
Learning to count in Mandarin is one of the most essential skills new students want to learn when they sign up for Inchin Closers Mandarin Language classes. Being able to bargain for the right price or surreptitiously trying to understand what two Chinese businessmen...
Mandarin – An Inclusive Language; way ahead of its time
Indian languages as well as many European languages have gendered pronouns built into their languages. While he and she remain for a majority of languages, Indian and European languages also assign gendered pronouns to objects such as a chair or a computer. Mandarin...