Mandarin – An Inclusive Language; way ahead of its time
Indian languages as well as many European languages have gendered pronouns built into their languages. While he and she remain for a majority of languages, Indian and European languages also assign gendered pronouns to objects such as a chair or a computer. Mandarin...
Top 5 Facts about Sports in India and China
Inspired by the ongoing cricket IPL and the summer full of sports activities, Inchin Closer brings to you Top 5 Facts about India-China Sports. Its little known but many of the sports that we play internationally today, such as football had their origins in either of...
Indian city names in Mandarin
Crazy about Cricket? Want to know how to pronounce Indian city names in Mandarin? Inchin Closer decodes all the city and state names that have inspired teams of the IPL 2023. Whether your favourite cricketer is Dhoni, Gujarat Titan’s Hardik Pandya or Royal...
Online Vs Offline learning
The differences, pros and cons of learning Offline Vs Online and which learning style is more suited to your personality? having taught both Online and Offline classes for multiple years now, Inchin Closer helps you decide which way of learning would work best for...