10 Chinese mobile apps every entrepreneur should know!
10 Chinese mobile apps. Superapps are a fantastic resource for business. Learn about their features and how they can help you specifically. With the lockdown in Shanghai and an imminent one in Beijing, netizens have taken to Chinese social media to keep themselves...
Fun and Easy ways to learn Mandarin
These easy ways to learn Mandarin will help you learn the language quickly and can become a fun part of your everyday routine. Listening to and engaging with a language using multiple skills is the best way to learn and immerse yourself in a new language. Short of...
8 foods that originated from China
While you might think that Manchurian chicken dumplings or triple schezwan fried rice are Chinese dishes, most Chinese food is far from what is regularly dished out at most Indian Chinese restaurants. Today’s Chinese food might be greasy, unhealthy and fast, but...