Will India and China pen a US$100 billion success story?
~ By Kavita Ogale China will have to thaw the barriers to Indian imports with the looming trade deficit a critical element to tackle before they can hit a century together India & China amount to 20% of the world’s GDP. Trade between the neighbours is...
The Big Switch
~ By Kavita Ogale A brief glimpse at how electric vehicles mobility is charging the future of India and China’s road transportation China has bucked the trend by scrapping subsidies on purchases of electric vehicles in the world’s largest EV market at a time when the...
Will Huawei power 5G in India?
~ By Kavita Ogale Supersonic internet speeds, digital prowess that can spur industries including transport, utilities and renewables, benefits to the health and education sector, a revolution in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), communications,...
A New Age Of Rising Suns
Is India “Looking Further East” Beyond China? ~ By Charmaine Mirza Compete, collaborate and an occasional bout of conflict to spice things up – that sums up the Indo-China relationship rather nicely. But is India’s “Look East” policy taking it to borders beyond China?...