Syncing surreptitious softwareSyncing surreptitious software
Chinese companies high on softly wooing the booming Indian telecom and technology space are finding a profitable niche for themselves. In 2002 it was handset maker Huawei that stormed the Indian telecom space, more recently instant messenger service Wechat broke...
Making ‘Made in India’Making ‘Made in India’
The time for Indian manufacturing to bask in the sunlight has come, however shrouded in archaic laws and regulations, dimmed by a weakening economy and lack of government support, manufacturing in India might remain away from the limelight. Explaining how India could...
Stimulating the economy for growth
Fiscal pressures have contributed to Beijing following New Delhi in contributing to freeing the economy and liberalize growth. Barely a week after India opened FDI in the telecom and defence sectors amongst others, China announced tax breaks for 6...