London Burning: Is Brexit Boom or Bust for China and India?
~ by Charmaine Mirza The United Kingdom’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union has hard-hitting implications on both China and India. While the true impact will be felt only in the years to come, Inchin Closer peers into the future to see what lies ahead for the...
Kolkata to be connected to Kunming soonKolkata to be connected to Kunming soon
Border relations between sweet and sour neighbours India and China are showing slight improvements with the BCIM – Bangladesh – China – India – Myanmar project finally getting off on the right foot. The New Silk road project which has an...The long march to warming India-China relationsThe long march to warming India-China relations
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Xian, Beijing and Shanghai has high on visuals yet, low on impact. The two countries had a lot of hopes riding on the shoulders of two of the most nationalist leaders we’ve had in decades, yet the steps taken...
China’s RMB moves towards a more global currency
China’s devaluation of the Ren Min Bi or peoples currency is expected to have a less than dramatic effect on the Indian economy – the most affected sectors being textiles, metals and chemicals. While the yuan becoming cheaper against the dollar will mean...