Learning to count in Mandarin is one of the most essential skills new students want to learn when they sign up for Inchin Closers Mandarin Language classes. Being able to bargain for the right price or surreptitiously trying to understand what two Chinese businessmen...
The international certification in Mandarin consists of two separate exams, the HSK short for Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi ( 汉语水平考试 ), which means “Mandarin Level Exam” and the HSKK or the Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi ( 汉语水平口语考试 ), which means “Mandarin...
Inspired by the ongoing cricket IPL and the summer full of sports activities, Inchin Closer brings to you Top 5 Facts about India-China Sports. Its little known but many of the sports that we play internationally today, such as football had their origins in either of...
At Inchin Closer we decided to test ChatGPT with some of the most burning questions asked about learning Mandarin on the internet. We wanted to know if her answers matched with those of our marketing teams. Below are the top 10 questions being asked about learning...
Skills development is an integral part of staying ahead of the curve and making sure you are always employable. Heading into a recession, employees with the most diverse set of skills, will be the ones most valuable to a company. Inchin Closer has analysed the 5 major...