As oil prices soared above US$110 per barrel, China vehemently displayed what India’s democratically free citizens have done all along – protested the rise of fuel hikes by striking enmasse until the government reels in to their whims. Although strikes are...
The National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s parliament, on Monday endorsed the country’s 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) for National Economic and Social Development. Highlighting political reform at the conclusion of the National’s...
The Dalai Lama, whose role functioned as the spiritual leader to the kings of China in the days of yore, is returning to his erstwhile post. Relinquishing his duties as political head of the Tibetan people in exile yesterday, the Dalai Lama said he will continue to...
Even as investment bankers forecast a stellar year for mergers and acquisitions in Asia following a leap in the value of both inbound and outbound transactions in 2010, China is all set to rain on their parade. According to the new regulations posted on a government...
Taking advantage of the high costs of modern diseases in developing, populated economies like China and India, Chinese drug companies are manufacturing counterfeit Cancer and HIV drugs which are being sold at much lower rates in the two countries. The ineffective drug...
“If you want to see capitalism in action,” said Milton Friedman, “go to Hong Kong.” Beijing is taking him up on that. As it seeks to broaden ownership of its currency, China is using the special administrative region as a giant petri dish. It wants to observe how this...